Posts Tagged ‘web site development’

Step away from the templates

June 21, 2009

It’s very easy to create a website these days. Even if you don’t know anything about programming, marketing or design, you can have a website up and running in a few minutes. Sites like and hundreds of companies that offer so-called “professional” templates, have made it very easy to establish an online presence. Seems pretty good doesn’t it? Cheap, fast and “professional”. So what’s wrong with this picture? Well, let me put it this way; how many times have you found something generic that is as unique as you are? Generic and template means “not unique”. Stock photos and generic designs have made thousands of potential stars into “a dime a dozen” company online.

If you are serious about your business, it’s time to step away from the template factories and the website designers who really don’t have a clue about marketing. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and it is as true here as in any other industry. You cannot expect to pay for a bicycle and get a Mercedes. It just doesn’t work that way.

The only way you can get a unique web presence that really works is to personalize your site. A website needs an idea and a marketing concept. Brand it. Make it real. Make it you. A good example is our latest website creation for Habitat Hospitality Design (in progress). Check it out at – I am sure you can see why generic designs and stock photos would never work for a business like his. If you are a business, think twice about templates and cheap website designers with no marketing background. They will do you more harm than good.